Welcome to 101 English Blogs project!
The aim of this project is to encourage 101 English teachers from around the world to start blogging (or share existing blogs) about their English classrooms. This blog will list each of the 101 blogs and will be a place for sharing and highlighting what is going on in over 100 English classrooms.
Keen to join? Email me at am@eggs.school.nz
101 English Blogs - Latest posts!
The risk of becoming ‘Content Neutral’
I’m currently teaching Orwell’s 1984 to year 13 and in the middle of class
the other day I started having a thought crisis: Am I indoctrinating my
3 days ago
'King Lear' scene by scene
For 12 podcasts on the all the scenes of* King Lear*, and a downloadable
pamphlet gathering all the transcripts, click here.
Should be of particular int...
2 months ago
Suffering and successful failures
It is a well rehearsed narrative, that we learn, gain, benefit more from
our loses than from our triumphs. More from adversity than from our easy
3 months ago
Poetry Friday: A Pond for All Seasons
Welcome to Poetry Friday! Tabatha is hosting today at The Opposite of
Indifference. She shares a found poem written by her daughter that many of
us can rel...
2 years ago
Fall 2021: Hiatus
This site will again go dormant for at least one school year, as I am not
teaching TOK in 2021-22. In the meantime, enjoy the past posts and links.
3 years ago
‘Hamlet’ challenge – 20th December 2018
Well done to all who took part in the ‘Hamlet’ challenge of 2018.
Soliloquies, dramatisations and props to represent the characters and
themes – it was a m...
6 years ago
My Car Speaks
I know I was meant for greater things than this. I mean I was born on an
assembly line in Detroit, or maybe it was Korea, or Japan, or…but I
digress. I ro...
6 years ago
Choose your favourite painter from these four ones here, read his/her
biography, take notes about important issues , collect paintings to make
your own ...
8 years ago
2017 Reading Challenge
Like most teachers, I'm a big reader. It's common for me to read around 60
or so books a year. If I could, I would read all day! (Which, btw, I'm
doing tod...
8 years ago
A slightly less cold coming
From the train window as dusk faded it seemed that every house had a tree
illuminated with coloured lights. Passing through snow-covered countryside
the tr...
8 years ago
I have wanted to talk about this for a while, but have been afraid to
open the Pandora's Box. Cheating is one of those things that teachers don't
want t...
8 years ago
Forming Minds
Data is the operative buzzword in education these days. Principals love it;
teachers hate it. Our students are more than data points, but as an
educator, i...
9 years ago
Jesus, Continued...
Jesus, Continued...by J.D. Greear is a book dealing mostly with Christian's
relationships with the Holy Spirit. Greear proposes that Jesus told His
10 years ago
Frazzled making back-to-school meals? Try eMeals {includes a giveaway!}
a Rafflecopter giveaway By Heather Hollands Back-to-School season has
always been my favorite time of year. Not only do I love the new beginnings
of the s...
10 years ago
Alvin Team
Alvin Team
10 years ago
Out for a night on the town! That gets an exclamation mark as it is a
rather rare event. I do noy have a husband who likes to go out. Oh in his
younger day...
10 years ago
Getting students to read the Constitution
My fiendish plot was simple - get my students to actually read the US
Constitution, which is dry and long. I came up with a Constitutional
Convention, ha...
12 years ago
Classroom Discussion Strategies
Classroom Discussions play an important role in student learning. It
engages students, allows them to practice important life skills and is also
a form of ...
12 years ago
post to blog weekly (weekly)
Smore – Design beautiful online flyers and publish instantly tags: design
flyers online Web 2.0 teaching english 11thGrade 12thgrade Posted from
Diigo. The...
12 years ago
History of Video Games
*Console Video Game History*
View another webinar from marty_b11
13 years ago
Middle Earth
If there is one major upside to seniors being out for mock exams its that
you get to spend a lot more time with junior classes and you get time to
spend on...
13 years ago
The Old College Try: Year Two
Today I spent about 5-6 hours working student registration and advising new
students into the best possible schedule. I have to say it felt GREAT being
13 years ago
Gearing Up...
It is hard to believe my first year of teaching is about to start.
My classroom is set up...
and I can't wait to get going.
I've started my class websit...
13 years ago
Moving On
This Blog has been good to me but I'm moving. Transferring to Wordpress.
Hope to see you there.
13 years ago
Technology Professional Day: Blended Learning
Today 8 teachers from our school are attending a full-day professional day
on using technology in the classroom. Our topic is blended learning, the
mixing ...
14 years ago
One Sweet World
"Nine planets around the sun
only one does the sun embrace
upon this watered one
so much we take for granted
so let us sleep outside tonight
lay down in our ...
14 years ago
Not one that I'd like to repeat
Right. Well the classroom was a sanctuary this week for me and thank
goodness that everyone rose to the challenge! I'm hitting into short
stories with one ...
14 years ago
Learning to co-construct
My inquiry project this year involves a co-constructed 11 English course
which involves student choice, not assessment, paving the way for quality
14 years ago
Vocabulary conundrums
My school has recently taken a stance on the importance of enforcing
vocabulary teaching in the class. As a school we are working on this in all
subjects, ...
14 years ago
The 101 English Blog List